Tour for families
“I would like to visit an art city like Florence with my children, but I’m afraid they’ll get bored and that my trip will turn into a nightmare for both me and them.” And this is certainly what will happen if we don’t start with the youngest ones, if our trip isn’t also “child-friendly.”
Certainly, traveling with children is a challenge, but it can also be an educational and fun moment. That’s why, as mothers, we’ve thought of tours of Florence for our children that are capable of captivating the whole family.
Children, as every parent knows, love to be the protagonists of their lives and don’t simply want to be dragged by adults to see things they “can’t understand.” Art is always capable of speaking to everyone; you just need to find the right key! From here, the idea of developing small kits for each of the guided tours in this section was born, which accompany us during the explanations and make the visit interactive and engaging.
Are you in Florence with your family? So take a look at these articles!

Visitare Palazzo Davanzati a Firenze
Il Museo di Palazzo Davanzati si trova nel cuore di Firenze, ed è una vera e propria oasi di pace

In barchetto sull’Arno con i Renaioli
È possibile vedere Firenze con occhi nuovi? Esiste un punto di vista diverso da cui vedere una città che ha

Visitare Firenze con una guida privata? È la soluzione adatta a te?
Ti è capitato di prendere parte a visite guidate di gruppo ma le hai trovate troppo poco approfondite? Oppure avresti

Il portafortuna di Firenze: il Porcellino
Tappa obbligata per chi viene a Firenze è la statua di un cinghiale, detto dai fiorentino “Porcellino” che si trova
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